Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Beginning

It started with my desire to de-stash. There's yarn down there in the basement which I bought and which I now know I will never use. I need to let it go.

However, I wanted to provide other Yarnies (that's my word for knitters and crocheters) with the opportunity to fall in love with it and use it up. And then I thought that maybe other Yarnies are in the same position: with more yarn than they need/want/can use, but who don't want to just donate it randomly or (sheep forbid!) throw it out.

THEN I thought that this could be a great way to exchange yarn with other Yarnies and raise some money for charity at the same time. Everything just kind of gelled at once and the idea, Athena-like, seemed to spring from my head fully-formed.

Details will follow, as will more posts, but that's where and how it all began. Let's just hope I can bring this baby to the world.

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